الخميس، 23 ديسمبر 2010

How colors are matched with nouns?

Good day!

We are going to see how do we match these nouns below with colors which are the adjectives. 

al-arnab الاءرنب : rabbit
al-ghuraab الغراب : crow
sayyaara سيارة : car
waraq esh-shajar ورق الشجر : leaf
ez-zahra الزهرة : flower 

al-arnab ab-yadh (ألأرنب أبيض)
the white rabbit

al-ghuraab as-wad (الغراب أسود)
the black crow

waraq esh-shajar akh-dhar (ورق الشجرأخضر)
green leaf

sayyaara hamraa' (سيارة حمراء)
red car

ez-zahra saf-raa' (الزهرة صفراء)
yellow flower

Look closely at the structure of the sentences. The noun with feminine form will be followed by adjective of feminine form.

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